
My best friend Housewife (see blog on sidebar) is involved in our Towns local theater group. So my friend this ones for you..............

It's about time, I guess to blog. I was going to yesterday but one way or another I got sidetracked.
I have not been very creative lately, but I have gotten some of my badly neglected house cleaned. There is always something to be done, but often lately I don't have the energy or desire. I am hoping for an invigorating spring-like feeling running thru my veins soon. I long for delicate green, pinks and soft yellows. That smell of green that lingers in the moist air is a memory which is niggling at my mind. Where is that famous Spring Fever so talked about?
I suppose I will find evidence of it today at school. grade 8-9s are Full of it (if you know what I mean).
Roll on Spring as Hubby would say................
so I can defend myself.
Happy Day all