This is a colored pencil sketch I did mostly during a class on colored pencils a few weekends ago. The cost of the class at $25 was very good and I enjoyed myself immensly. I Have joined the art club who hosted the event and am greatly looking forward to the two watercolor courses coming up in the spring.
Coming soon New works from the Joyful ARtist
I try to feel Joyful
inside I am raw
like a porcupine
Then the paint it calls to me
Takes me by the hand
Makes me see the beauty
inside that prickly creature
encouraging me to
be Open once more
Warm heart wanting to love
scared of the pain
of losing

I used to hate this picture of me. It was taken in 1993 .I like it now and can even say that I was beautiful.

This is my picture for SelfPortraitTuesday....... the challenge was to upload a photo of yourself that you didn't like. My son Kyle was murdered a little less than 3 years ago. Everytime I see the bags under my eyes I think of his Loss. I woke up crying last night, couldn't stop and I still feel it today. Thank goodness all my days are not like this.
This morning I found "Self Portrait Tuesday" you can search for the link to it here. It's a great blog and I love the idea so I am going to post my entry here later.
I've been taggedby Dawn Supina
so here we go....
4 jobs I've had: Bartender, youth worker at a group home, short order cook and rock picker
4 places I've lived: Salsibury, York, Medicine Hat , Wetaskiwin
4 shows I enjoy: Extreme Home Makeover, Coronation Street, Starting over and anything on PBS
4 places I've vacationed: Cornwall, West Edmonton Mall, Great Falls, Montana and Disneyland
4 websites I visit daily: Fine arts paint and Draw atc group, Pointy Hat ART Posse, BBC World News, wet canvas
4 favorite foods: Curries, Steak Neptune, Salad of any kind and salmon
4 places I'd rather be right now: West Virginia, Whitehorse, Whitehorse and Whitehorse

Story Time .............Can you see it unfold?

The first Acrylic I did in class on Saturday. Luckily the teacher told me it was finished. I like it now though I was not to sure of it at first.

This canvas is 2ft by 1ft I don't think it is quite done yet but it is pretty close. Any ideas as to what it may need?