Saturday, June 03, 2006

Teesha Tree

This piece was inspired by the artwork on the cover of Art and Life Magazine Canada which is on Teesha Moores website. It is not a copy but neither was it original thought so I thank
Teesha here for the inspiration and hope you all check out her website.

  • TeeshaMoore

  • Tree


    Messages from my Dad seem to be crawling towards me on eight legs these days.
    Let me explain ......

    A few days ago I was working for a friend getting her shop ready for our art clubs
    pot luck dinner. I told her a story about my childhood, a black widow spider and my

    Later that evening I caught myself ranting at the stupid people on the Doctor Phil show. I Looked at my daughter, who patiently had been trying to do her homework through my rant, and all I could remember was being her age and my Dad ranting the same way at something on the TV.

    I apologized to said daughter and decided to go out back for a cigarette.
    sitting on the stoop I was kind of giggling to myself at how Dad was coming out in me when I felt a slight tickle on my hand. Looking down I saw a baby Daddy longlegs spider on my finger, now normally I would have flinched, But instead I gently flicked my hand and said ..........go away daddy......
    then stopped...........
    realizing that Dad had just been giggling along with me.
    To me it was a sure sign that He is watching over me and
    keeping me on the straight and narrow.

    Then today when I signed onto the computer I went to one of the Yahoo groups for trading atcs and low and behold was the following link.