Jasmines Art

This is a great sunset picture that one of the students where I work gave me. Thanks Jasmine
I was given a challenge today from my co-workers.
I hope I can meet it.
I believe that in my grief about Kyle I have made them feel
that I don't like them. I have not been overly friendly.
I was feeling guilty about being so sad, not wanting to bring anyone down.
Also the regular venting in the staff room was to negative for me.
I have avoided negativity my whole life.
As a child for protection,
as a survivor for........
Negativity can get under my skin and infect my whole outlook.
I refuse to be dragged down so
I remove myself from it
whenever I can.
It's only a little matter of my sanity.
Fairy Childes Challenge
grab whatever book is physically closest to you right this minute, open it to page 123, find the fifth sentence and post the next three sentences.
Page 123 of The White Lady
Constance had been in Rushville two weeks and two days, and there was much yet to be done, but she felt that Norah might be able to do it with some help; so, securing Jimmy's mother to stay nights in the house and to help Norah, Constance went after her grandmother. She felt that the hardest part of her task was now before her, to get rid of the maid and to induce her grandmother to be happy for the summer in Rushville.
One fear she had, and that was that Norah would in some way hear about the ghost who was supposed to haunt the house, and that her Irish superstition would take alarm.