When a prayer is answered
Have you ever had the kind of day that made you believe in ahigher power?
Today was one of those days for me. I started a job today which I was worried
that I could not handle. But I felt I was home as soon as I got there. The job fell
in my lap without even an application. I got home from my busy day which did not
give me time to even think of myself, tired but bubbly because I had such a good day.
I got home late and found scads of groceries on my front step.
Left for me by an angel and her sweet little family.
I will pay it forward..............
Thank you my lovely friend, your generosity and giving spirit humble me.
Hugs Cin
A Drying Day

Breaking the rules in watercolor. I took a class with Susan Wolgar today. I have taken 4 classes from her now and she is wonderful. This class we did an underpainting in Black and white goauche (spelling/sorry) picking out at least five values in a blocking approach.You can then come in adding watercolors with alot of water (the gouache is used quite dry)reductive painting is used more than normal with this technique (at least for watercolor) spritzing and then rubbing with a paper towel.....well I will not try to outline the whole class but I was greatly inspired even though I trashed my first attempt in the classroom.