sunset on the water

ok so she is a done deal now. I just added some orange and red into the water as it was to blue for the sky before.

Sunrise is my newest canvas.
I had to do an orange sky.
Every morning when I go to work
a magnificant sunrise greets me.
A Sick day
Well I am at home today because on the weekend I somehow pinched a nerve in my back.
Getting older sucks. You bend down to pick up a sock (though why it is under the kitchen table to begin with is a mystery) and
wham your back is out.
I so wish I had some exciting tale of how this injury occured, but no........ it is laundry related. So I can't sit lay or stand and the only real relief seems to come in a hot tub.
Hubby left town today for a couple of days work.
I miss him already. He makes "The Best" nurse, especially when I can talk him into wearing the uniform ;)
Well sitting at the desk is getting painful now so I think I will go and have a soak.
Happy Happy Day to All