I did my duty

The masses scurried below. People and thier families.... others alone like I once was.
I could feel thier excitement in the day as if it were a tangable thing. Longing to join them made me glance to my left to look at Father.
By the frown on his face I knew there would
be no sweet freedom for me that day.
So I did my duty.
Things that bring me Joy
Joy for me most days is second nature even though I suffer from depression, or maybe because of it. One of my coping strategies is to be mindful of my happiness, to really notice it and be grateful for it. So I thought I would share with you a list of some of the things that can make me Joyful, if I let them.
1. My teenaged daughter who, though she will one day become a mature young woman, stills shows playfulness and even a little sweetness once in awhile (she's still my baby). I am so proud of the young woman I see her becoming and happy that she has good friends who all like to hang out here at our house. I love to hear the giggles of the girls in the tent until 5 in the morning!
2. The smell of rain on the air has always given me an instant high. (Maybe because I grew up in desert conditions on the Albertan prairie). As soon as I go outside on a day like this the smell stops me dead in my tracks. Tempting me to breath deeply of it's sweet nectar, I always comply.
3. Painting, brings to a space very trance like. When I am in "the Zone" I can paint for hours without noticing the time. While I am immersed in the mixing and spreading of colors my heart sings. Creating from some spot well within which is overflowing with ideas, questions and feelings. True release Joy unbound!
4. My pets make me happy. We have a household which includes a dog, 3 cats and a parrot. I love sharing my house with animals, the unconitional love they give is a gift for which I am truly grateful. When I am feeling really badly depressed our animals tend to surround me. I will go for a nap and wake up surrounded by the dog and cats. This only happens during my depression as the cats normally hiss at one another if they get into each others space. But they put aside thier differences when I need them to and I love them for it. Who says animals have nothing left to teach us??
5. The friends I have make me joyful. They accept me for who I am and love me for me. That's all I ask and all I can give and it is more than enough!
6. Sending and receiving trading cards in the mail!!! I just love my Yahoo trading groups.
7. Reading a good novel. There is nothing like sitting down one minute and coming to hours after being lost in the story. As the plot thickens so does my joy in the story.
8. Receiving a phone call from an old friend. There is nothing like reconnecting with people. We all seem to move around so much these days and how many of us really write letters? So it is the phone calls that I look forward to renewing friendships abandoned years ago and breathing into them new life.
9. Yard sales, second hand stores and auctions. I love treasure hunting!
10. My life, it's so much better than the alternative.