Ebay offerings from artistcgoh
I have some more offerings on ebay this week. Fingers crossed that they will sell.......

Industrial Disease ACEO

SpirIT CircLe ACEO
My Rooster Poppy

This is an 8x11 piece done with alcohol inks and pen on photo paper.
March in Canada

Here's our backyard We had a huge dump of snow mid march and it is just beginning to melt now.
Found it

Now there's my Joy!
Where did I put my Joy?
I am drowning here in
"no joy land"
So here I sit
and wallow
and whine
and stomp my feet too
Now I am wet up to my
armpits in my own tears
I am going to bed
for Tammy
Your beauty it shines through your eyes
it always has
But the pain is trying hard
to overshadow it
It whispers in your ear
pure wrong
None of it your choosing
I hear you pass by a bundle of bones
it sounds painful
Beauty is in the eye of the beholder?
Not anymore
Beauty is almost dead
Love can save it
Coax it to emerge
from the inside
where it always has been
Your Beauty
it leaves me breathless
I love you little girl.......keep fighting and remember none of this is your choosing.
Please know that you have a choice now.
To participate in your recovery by loving yourself unconditionally.
You are So worth it.
Watercolor tree

This little watercolor painting came from my class on Saturday here in Wetaskiwin. My good friend, Corrinne, payed for me to become a member of the Wetaskiwin art club( in leiu of the monthly chauffeurs fee for going to our PHAP meeting) and we sponsorVery Affordable art classes here in Wetaskiwin Alberta. $25 for a full day with a qualified instructor is a bargain. I had a great time on Saturday as you can see I hope from my little watercolor. Thanks so much for checking it out.
Hugs Cindy
Post Secret
http://www.postsecret.blogspot.comThis is an awesome website filled with compassion. Secrets can poison a person, make them feel guilty and ashamed. This is never healthy and sabatoges our ability to love ourselves.
Mundane Evil
I was looking at a website a friend gave me for writers and there is a call for short stories with the subject mundane evil The subject spoke to me in the following way.
Mundane Evil
Perpetuating perfection
Self loathing
Lack of self esteem
Self love
and acceptance
Not being bothered
Let the world go to hell in a handbasket
I am ok
Stepping over the homeless in $600 jeans
Blind leading the blind
Never questioning self
Talking a good game
Taking no blame
Death of the soul
Self Loathing
Anorexia bulimia
Save Me
Save Yourself
Self love
Non judgement
For Yourself
for Others
I offer my hand
Sharing community
Never forget