The road
The road to a friends house is never long.
Izzys Hammock
I spent the afternoon cleaning for friends yesterday.
Thier backyard is endless And they have a creek.
This is how I relaxed when I was done work.
Pure Bliss.
is a doll
made from a vest
that used to be hubbies
I think he needs a girlfriend
Keith not Hubby
that is
Spirit Doll
What I did today
I feel great!! I spent 5 hours cleaning my studio and bedroom today.
I have the fountain/misters in both rooms going and candles lit.
It is stormy outside so this was a perfect nesting day.
Cozy cozy I love my home.
They've been framed
Here is a picture of some othe wonderful art
that I have traded for.
The two "Wild women" on the ends are by a wonderful artist and friend
Sue Jorgensen in Australia ......
The middle joyous lady is by
Biljana Zivkovic, another wonderful artist
and friend from Serbia.
I met these ladies through FineArtsATC group on yahoo which has been a blast to belong to.
I really am blessed with good friends both in person and on-line. No wonder I am
The Joyful ARtist!!
All that I need to make life complete now is a decent digital camera.
So I started my morning today a little later than usual, after all it is Sunday.
My favorite way to wake up every morning is with a coffee, in my studio and on the web. I love to check out my friends blogs (which I have links to on my sidebar),
my yahoo groups (fine arts atc trading being my favorite home), and writing here on my blog.
It is a relaxing way to start my day and often inspires me to do something.
Today I am contemplating rescuing Housewife from her fridge for she is all to often held prisoner to her eczema! Besides she Always has hot coffee on and time for me to bend her ear. But of course I am not driven by such selfish things ....
Her baking does not tempt me at all
ok well
She really shouldn't tackle that fridge on a day like this anyway