The Gate
I have been painting up a storm these last few days. Refining some paintings already on the go and completely scrubbing out and redoing one from start to finish in 2 days. I know they aren't exactly "Fine Art" I am not sophisticated in my approach or my techniques. But if the stuff I produce makes you Feel something that is all that matters to me. I long to touch people. (oh come on now get your mind Out of the gutter!)The Gate is the painting I scrubbed out and redid. I am happy with it especially since another angel appeared (Even though I am supposed to plan out my paintings I never do). It is funny but before my son was killed I would have laughed at anyone telling me that my art would take on a spiritual flavour. But ...................that is exactly what is happening. Who would have known that such a tragedy could give me faith? I need to believe though that Kyle is in a better place. That he was welcomed with open arms and is happy and loved where he is now. If I didn't truly believe it I might just die myself.