Self Portrait Tuesday

Self Portrait Tuesday The picture is not a great one of me but a good time Was had by all. This is a trip to our favorite hotel's waterslide with my niece, nefew, son and daughter. It looks like I am tossing a hankie but the yellow and white thing is a beach umbrella across the pool from us.

This is the Flamingo I have been working on. I am very pleased with how she is turning out.

11"x14" acrylics on stretched canvas
Ok so today my Hubby left town until Thursday evening. I can do art late into the night without missing Any snuggle time. So I should get some more artwork going...Yay for me!! Time to move to bigger canvas's I think. I'd really like to try a bigger abstract or two. I have such fun with color and texture and find abstract art very freeing. I did finish one canvas that measures 11 "x14" and will post it here.
Have a Joyful Day All

I just read the book "The Seven Spiritual Laws of Success" by Deepak Chopra.
This was a small book at 115 pages.
I have given my personal interpertation of the ways I plan to put these laws into action in my life.
On my quest to remain ever The JoyfulARtist.
1 Be Still..... sitting quietly in nature maybe open to creativity
2 Be Giving to all..........circulate joy......even a thought or prayer for someones good ...receive gifts gratefully and
know that you deserve them.
3 Pay attention to your choices......what are the consequences?...When in doubt ask yourself and Listen.
4 Practice Acceptance...take responsibility ..... see challenges as tools of learning not defend yourself ...
accept others for who and what they are.
5 Know what you want and Trust that it will come to you.........sow the seeds
of intention make a list of what you towards it.... be Aware of when opportunity knocks.
Enjoy each moment for what it is.
6 Let go of your desires and ideas of what should be..........understand that uncertainty is part of life and accept it.
Believe that anything is possible ......experience magic, fun and the mystery of life.
7 Find your unique talents, the things you love to do and use them for the good of all.
Peace and Love to all :)