A rainy day in smalltown.

Somewhere a beagle sings for his supper taking my attention,for a second, off of
the kitten which now belongs to my household (and my daughter). For just a second I swear.
Before I know it he is on the top of the parrots cage.
Looking down at the bird, thankful that said beagle reminded him that it was meal time. Curiously the bird Meeco does not make a noise, she just looks inches above her at the kitten which is four paws with twenty of the sharpest little razor blades immaginable (trust me on this one or I will show you my armpit).
I raise from my chair with purpose Lifting Nelson off of the top of the cage and depositing him on the other side of my studio door. I turn my attention to Meeco my parrot and ask her if she realizes how close She just came to being eaten. She just laughs at me. I tell her if I wanted that kind of treatment I would go down the street to Housewifes house. She wolf whistles at me calls me a pretty girl and laughs again.
I am not sure if I should be offended or not.