Tuesday, December 15, 2009

Charlie bit me!

To Cute!

Snow Day

It was a snow day...........well actually cold day....and school was cancelled. Now I love my job at the high school, but, what could be better than and art day with two dogs curled up next to you. Oh and don't forget a cat (or three) meowing at you from in front of the heat vent? Nothing I say unless I could've added maybe some homemade shortbread as my nod to the season.

I haven't been able to concentrate for long on art lately with a few extra stresses added because of the divorce and all the crap that entails at times but today I sorted. I played with tools I hadn't used in ages and just let myself forget all outside of my studio walls. I love spending time like this just me, my shadow and the pets. I am starting to get to know the real me again and I am actually pretty cool. I no longer feel guilty for spending the day creating when there is cleaning to do. I have no excuses to make, no last minute scramble to try to tidy things for a peaceful evening. All my days and evenings are peaceful now and I am surrounded by love, doesn't life just rock?