Today is the day I remember 03.03.03
Today I started out with the intention of keeping busy all day, but not at work.I took two days off as personal days. It is five years today from the day when Kyle was murdered, here in Alberta the death in Mayorthorpe of RCMP officers was the same date but 2 years later in 2005. It is on the news all day, reminding me of Kyle at the same time. No one is protesting Kyles death but then he wasn't important to the world like he is to me. Understandable I guess but sad to me as his mom. I want the whole world to know how we are missing this wonderful being who was my son. To lament his loss, and cry out for justice. But he was "Just a Schizophrenic" a no one who was in the wrong place at the wrong time.
Not to me you understand to me he was my first born, only son. He was my joy and my heartache and such a big part of me that I am forever changed and will never Never get over my sorrow at his passing. The fact that my daughter is now an only child is not fair or right and it Pisses me off. But I need to grow and have these last 5 years and Kyle will always be here in my Heart anyway.
For that I am greatful