Sunday, August 17, 2008

New AtCs

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At 6:53 a.m., Anonymous Anonymous said...

Love your Blog! I'm finding so many artists who are also interested in (or live with) parrots.

I'm a ghostwriter, corporate drop-out, have 3 parrots living with me, and do ATC/ACEOs.

What drives your interest in parrots? Are they the subject of your work?


At 12:45 p.m., Blogger The Joyful Artist said...

Hi Joan
I rescued our parrot meecco when she was 4 years old. 3 years later and I am still learning about her. She was very timid and scared when we first got her but now she is a happy bird who definatly holds a grudge (She hasn't let me hold her since the time I Had to catch her to take her to the vets) I love her anyway despite or maybe even because of her stubborness. Thanks for the comment and I will check your blog out.

At 12:40 p.m., Blogger BZ said...

Cin, these are lovely and very you.


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