Friday, October 20, 2006

The great painted pumpkin question

Ok so I offered to paint a pumpkin on behalf of our local art club.
It will be auctioned off for childrens charities so I want it to be the best I can do.
What ended up happening was I didn't like the way the 1st pumpkin was turning
out so Hubby offered to buy another pumkin for me to work on.
Now I have two and am not sure which one to give them......heck they may want them both.

Anyway that's where you guys come in I will post pics of both and ask for your opinions.
Thanks alot in advance.


At 5:30 p.m., Blogger arlene said...

Oh!!! I like them both!! They are TOO cool! In the photo they look like GIANT pumkins...are they?


At 5:15 a.m., Blogger BZ said...

Ummmm.... I like them both, too. If I would absolutely have to pick a favorite it would be the first one. I think they should both be offered in the auction, both are very cool!

I just can't get over how big they look. Unless it's some kind of an optiocal illusion, I have never seen pumpkins that big!

At 5:18 a.m., Blogger BZ said...

Just one more thing. When I said the first one, that's the one in this post where my comment is.

At 5:26 p.m., Blogger Dawn said...

These are ohhh so cool Cindy. Exceptionally original girl!


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